
This page is a work in progress and may undergo further revisions, updates, or amendments. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.

 "type": "menu",
 "alias": "My.Menu",
 "name": "My Menu"
Menu Item
 "type": "menuItem",
 "alias": "My.MenuItem",
 "name": "My Menu Item",
 "meta": {
  "label": "My Menu Item",
  "menus": ["My.Menu"]

Tree Menu Item


// it will be something like this
 "type": "menuItem",
 "kind": "tree",
 "alias": "My.TreeMenuItem",
 "name": "My Tree Menu Item",
 "meta": {
  "label": "My Tree Menu Item",
  "menus": ["My.Menu"]

Default Element

// get interface
interface UmbTreeMenuItemElement {}

Adding menu items to an existing menu

The backoffice comes with a couple of menus.

  • Content, Media, Settings, Templating, Dictionary, etc.

To add a menu item to an existing menu, you can use the meta.menus property.

 "type": "menuItem",
 "alias": "My.MenuItem",
 "name": "My Menu Item",
 "meta": {
  "label": "My Menu Item",
  "menus": ["Umb.Menu.Content"]

Last updated