Customizing Extension Overview Extension Types Extension Conditions Learn how to declare requirements for your extensions using the Extension Conditions.
Extension Conditions declare requirements that should be permitted for the extension to be available. Many, but not all, Extension Types support Conditions.
Read about utilizing conditions in Manifests .
Make your own conditions
Copy < a href = "#make-your-own-conditions" id = "make-your-own-conditions" ></ a >
You can make your own Conditions by creating a class that implements the UmbExtensionCondition
Copy import {
ManifestCondition ,
UmbConditionConfigBase ,
UmbConditionControllerArguments ,
} from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/extension-api' ;
import { UmbConditionBase } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/extension-registry' ;
import { UmbControllerHost } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/controller-api' ;
export type MyExtensionConditionConfig = UmbConditionConfigBase & {
match : string ;
export class MyExtensionCondition extends UmbConditionBase < MyExtensionConditionConfig > implements UmbExtensionCondition {
constructor (host : UmbControllerHost , args : UmbConditionControllerArguments < MyExtensionConditionConfig >) {
super (host , args);
// enable extension after 10 seconds
setTimeout (() => {
this .permitted = true ;
args .onChange ();
} , 10000 );
// Declare the Condition Configuration Type in the global UmbExtensionConditionConfigMap interface:
declare global {
interface UmbExtensionConditionConfigMap {
MyExtensionConditionConfig : MyExtensionCondition ;
This has to be registered in the extension registry, shown below:
Copy export const manifest : ManifestCondition = {
type : 'condition' ,
name : 'My Condition' ,
alias : 'My.Condition.CustomName' ,
api : MyExtensionCondition ,
Finally, you can make use of the condition in your configuration. See an example of this below:
Copy {
type : 'workspaceAction' ,
name : 'example-workspace-action' ,
alias : 'My.Example.WorkspaceAction' ,
elementName : 'my-workspace-action-element' ,
conditions : [
alias : 'Umb.Condition.SectionAlias' ,
match : 'My.Example.Workspace'
} ,
alias : 'My.Condition.CustomName'
As can be seen in the code above, we never make use of match
. We can do this by replacing the timeout with some other check.
Copy // ...
export class MyExtensionCondition extends UmbConditionBase < MyExtensionConditionConfig > implements UmbExtensionCondition {
constructor (host : UmbControllerHost , args : UmbConditionControllerArguments < MyExtensionConditionConfig >) {
super (host , args);
if ( args . config .match === 'Yes' ) {
this .permitted = true ;
args .onChange ();
// ...
With all that in place, the configuration can look like shown below:
Copy {
// ...
conditions : [
// ...
alias : 'My.Condition.CustomName' ,
match : 'Yes'