Health Check

Health Checks are used to determine the state of your Umbraco project. Learn more about each of them in this section.

The Settings section of the Umbraco backoffice holds a dashboard named "Health Check". It is a handy list of checks to see if your Umbraco installation is configured according to best practices. It's possible to add your custom-built health checks.

For inspiration when building your checks you can look at the checks we've built into Umbraco, as well as our guides. Some examples will follow in this document.

Built-in checks

Umbraco comes with the following checks by default:

  • Category Configuration

    • Notification Email Settings (id: 3E2F7B14-4B41-452B-9A30-E67FBC8E1206) - checks that the "from" email address used for email notifications has been changed from its default value

  • Category Data Integrity

    • Database data integrity check (id: 73DD0C1C-E0CA-4C31-9564-1DCA509788AF) - checks for various data integrity issues in the Umbraco database

  • Category Live Environment

    • Debug Compilation Mode (id: 61214FF3-FC57-4B31-B5CF-1D095C977D6D) - should be set to debug="false" on your live site

    • Runtime Mode (id: 8E31E5C9-7A1D-4ACB-A3A8-6495F3EDB932) - should be set to Production on your live site

  • Category Permissions

    • Folder & File Permissions (id: 53DBA282-4A79-4B67-B958-B29EC40FCC23) - checks that the folders and files set with write permissions that are either required or recommended can be accessed

  • Category Security

    • Application URL Configuration (id: 6708CA45-E96E-40B8-A40A-0607C1CA7F28) - checks if the Umbraco application URL is configured for your site.

    • Click-Jacking Protection (id: ED0D7E40-971E-4BE8-AB6D-8CC5D0A6A5B0) - checks to see if a header or meta-tag is in place to indicate whether the site can be hosted in an IFRAME. Normally this is best set to deny permission for this to be done, to prevent what is known as click-jacking attacks

    • Content/MIME Sniffing Protection (id: 1CF27DB3-EFC0-41D7-A1BB-EA912064E071) - checks that your site contains a header used to protect against Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) sniffing vulnerabilities

    • Cookie hijacking and protocol downgrade attacks Protection (HSTS) (id: E2048C48-21C5-4BE1-A80B-8062162DF124) - checks if your HTTPS site contains the Strict-Transport-Security Header (HSTS). If not - adds with a default of 18 weeks

    • Cross-site scripting Protection (id: F4D2B02E-28C5-4999-8463-05759FA15C3A) - checks for the presence of the X-XSS-Protection-header

    • Excessive Headers (id: 92ABBAA2-0586-4089-8AE2-9A843439D577) - checks to ensure that various headers that can provide details about the technology used to build and host the website have been removed

    • HTTPS Configuration (id: EB66BB3B-1BCD-4314-9531-9DA2C1D6D9A7) - to determine if the current site is running on a secure connection

    • UseHttps check - when the site is running on HTTPS, Umbraco.Cms.Core.Configuration.Models.GlobalSettings.UseHttps needs to be enabled to secure the backoffice. The setting can be found under Umbraco:CMS:Global in the appsettings.json file

  • Category Services

    • SMTP Settings (id: 1B5D221B-CE99-4193-97CB-5F3261EC73DF) - checks that an Simple Mail Tranfer Protocol (SMTP) server is configured and is accepting requests for sending emails

Each check returns a message indicating whether or not the issue in question has been found on the website installation. This could be an error that should be fixed, or a warning you should be aware of.

Some of them can also be rectified via the dashboard, by clicking the Fix button and in some cases providing some required information. These changes usually involve writing to configuration files that will often trigger a restart of the website.

Configuring and scheduling checks

As well as viewing the results of health checks via the Settings section dashboard, you can set up the checks to be run on a schedule and be notified of the results by email. It's also possible to disable certain checks if they aren't applicable in your environment.

For more information, see the Reference > Configuration > Health checks article.

Custom checks

You can build your own health checks. There are two types of health checks you can build: configuration checks and general checks.

Each health check is a class that needs to have a HealthCheck attribute. This attribute has a few things you need to fill in:

  • GUID - a unique ID that you've generated for this specific check

  • Name - give it a short name so people know what the check is for

  • Description - describes what the check does in detail

  • Group - this is the category for the check if you use an existing group name (like "Configuration") the check will be added in that category, otherwise a new category will appear in the dashboard

Configuration checks

These are small checks that take an IConfiguration key and confirm that the value that's expected is there. If the value is not correct, there will be a link to a guide on how to set this value correct.

  • A configuration check needs to inherit from Umbraco.Cms.Core.HealthChecks.Checks.AbstractSettingsCheck

  • A configuration check needs the HealthCheck attribute as noted at the start of this document

  • ReadMoreLink is a link to an external guide that will help you to troubleshoot any problems

  • ValueComparisonType can either be ValueComparisonType.ShouldEqual or ValueComparisonType.ShouldNotEqual

  • ItemPath is the IConfiguration key path leading to the configuration value that you want to verify

  • Values is a list of values that are available for this configuration item - in this example it can be RemoteOnly or On, they're both acceptable for a live site.

    • For checks using the ShouldEqual comparison method, make sure to set one of these values to IsRecommended = true.

    • Where ShouldNotEqual is used the fix will require the user to provide the correct setting

  • CurrentValue is the current value from the configuration setting

  • CheckSuccessMessage and CheckErrorMessage are the messages returned to the user

    • It is highly recommended to use the LocalizedTextService so these can be localized. You can add the text in ~/Config/Lang/en-US.user.xml (or whatever language you like)

General checks

This can be anything you can think of, the results and the rectify action are completely under your control.

  • A general check needs to inherit from Umbraco.Cms.Core.HealthChecks.HealthCheck

  • A general check needs the HealthCheck attribute as noted at the start of this document

  • All checks run when the dashboard is loaded, this means that the GetStatus() method gets executed

    • You can return multiple status checks from GetStatus()

  • A status check returns a HealthCheckStatus

    • If a HealthCheckStatus has a HealthCheckAction defined then the "Fix" button will perform that action once clicked

    • Sometimes, the button to fix something should not be called "Fix", change the Name property of a HealthCheckAction to provide a better name

    • HealthCheckAction has a Description property so that you can provide information on what clicking the "Rectify" button will do (or provide links to documentation, for example)

    • HealthCheckStatus has a few result levels:

      • StatusResultType.Success

      • StatusResultType.Error

      • StatusResultType.Warning

      • StatusResultType.Info

    • A HealthCheckAction needs to provide an alias for an action that can be picked up in the ExecuteAction method

  • It is highly recommended to use the LocalizedTextService so text can be localized. You can add the text in ~/Config/Lang/en-US.user.xml (or whatever language you like)

An example check:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Extensions;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.HealthChecks;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services;

namespace Umbraco.Web.HealthCheck.Checks.SEO;

[HealthCheck("3A482719-3D90-4BC1-B9F8-910CD9CF5B32", "Robots.txt",
 Description = "Create a robots.txt file to block access to system folders.",
 Group = "SEO")]
public class HealthCheckNotifier : Cms.Core.HealthChecks.HealthCheck
 private readonly IHostEnvironment _hostEnvironment;
 private readonly ILogger<HealthCheckNotifier> _logger;
 private readonly ILocalizedTextService _textService;

 public HealthCheckNotifier(ILocalizedTextService textService, IHostEnvironment hostEnvironment,
  ILogger<HealthCheckNotifier> logger)
  _textService = textService;
  _hostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
  _logger = logger;

 public override Task<IEnumerable<HealthCheckStatus>> GetStatus() =>
  Task.FromResult((IEnumerable<HealthCheckStatus>)new[] { CheckForRobotsTxtFile() });

 public override HealthCheckStatus ExecuteAction(HealthCheckAction action)
  switch (action.Alias)
   case "addDefaultRobotsTxtFile":
    return AddDefaultRobotsTxtFile();
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Action not supported");

 private HealthCheckStatus CheckForRobotsTxtFile()
  var success = File.Exists(_hostEnvironment.MapPathContentRoot("~/robots.txt"));
  var message = success
   ? _textService.Localize("healthcheck", "seoRobotsCheckSuccess")
   : _textService.Localize("healthcheck", "seoRobotsCheckFailed");

  var actions = new List<HealthCheckAction>();

  if (success == false)
   actions.Add(new HealthCheckAction("addDefaultRobotsTxtFile", Id)
   // Override the "Rectify" button name and describe what this action will do
    Name = _textService.Localize("healthcheck", "seoRobotsRectifyButtonName"),
    Description = _textService.Localize("healthcheck", "seoRobotsRectifyDescription")

   new HealthCheckStatus(message)
    ResultType = success ? StatusResultType.Success : StatusResultType.Error,
    Actions = actions

 private HealthCheckStatus AddDefaultRobotsTxtFile()
  var success = false;
  var message = string.Empty;
  const string content = @"# robots.txt for Umbraco
User-agent: *
Disallow: /umbraco/";

   File.WriteAllText(_hostEnvironment.MapPathContentRoot("~/robots.txt"), content);
   success = true;
  catch (Exception exception)
   _logger.LogError(exception, "Could not write robots.txt to the root of the site");

   new HealthCheckStatus(message)
    ResultType = success ? StatusResultType.Success : StatusResultType.Error,
    Actions = new List<HealthCheckAction>()

Custom health check notifications

Health check notifications can be scheduled to run periodically and notify you of the results. Included with Umbraco is a notification method to deliver the results via email. In a similar manner to how it's possible to create your health checks, you can also create custom notification methods to send the message summarising the status of the health checks via other means. Again, for further details on implementing this please refer to the existing notification methods within the core code base.

Each notification method needs to implement the core interface IHealthCheckNotificationMethod and, for ease of creation, can inherit from the base class NotificationMethodBase, which itself implements the IHealthCheckNotificationMethod interface. The class must also be decorated with an instance of the HealthCheckNotificationMethod attribute. There's one method to implement - SendAsync(HealthCheckResults results) - which is responsible for taking the results of the health checks and sending them via the mechanism of your choice.

The following example shows how the core method for sending notification via email is implemented:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Configuration.Models;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Mail;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.Email;
using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Services;

namespace Umbraco.Cms.Core.HealthChecks.NotificationMethods;

public class EmailNotificationMethod : NotificationMethodBase
 private readonly ILocalizedTextService? _textService;
 private readonly IHostEnvironment? _hostEnvironment;
 private readonly IEmailSender? _emailSender;
 private readonly IMarkdownToHtmlConverter? _markdownToHtmlConverter;
 private ContentSettings? _contentSettings;

 public EmailNotificationMethod(
  ILocalizedTextService textService,
  IHostEnvironment hostEnvironment,
  IEmailSender emailSender,
  IOptionsMonitor<HealthChecksSettings> healthChecksSettings,
  IOptionsMonitor<ContentSettings> contentSettings,
  IMarkdownToHtmlConverter markdownToHtmlConverter)
  : base(healthChecksSettings)
  var recipientEmail = Settings?["RecipientEmail"];
  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(recipientEmail))
   Enabled = false;

  RecipientEmail = recipientEmail;

  _textService = textService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(textService));
  _hostEnvironment = hostEnvironment;
  _emailSender = emailSender;
  _markdownToHtmlConverter = markdownToHtmlConverter;
  _contentSettings = contentSettings.CurrentValue ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contentSettings));

  contentSettings.OnChange(x => _contentSettings = x);

 public string? RecipientEmail { get; }

 public override async Task SendAsync(HealthCheckResults results)
  if (ShouldSend(results) == false)

  if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RecipientEmail))

  var message = _textService?.Localize("healthcheck", "scheduledHealthCheckEmailBody", new[]
   _markdownToHtmlConverter?.ToHtml(results, Verbosity)

  // Include the Umbraco Application URL host in the message subject so that
  // you can identify the site that these results are for.
  var host = _hostEnvironment?.ContentRootPath?.ToString();

  var subject = _textService?.Localize("healthcheck", "scheduledHealthCheckEmailSubject", new[] { host });

  var mailMessage = CreateMailMessage(subject, message);
  Task? task = _emailSender?.SendAsync(mailMessage, Constants.Web.EmailTypes.HealthCheck);
  if (task is not null)
   await task;

 private EmailMessage CreateMailMessage(string? subject, string? message)
  var to = _contentSettings?.Notifications.Email;

  if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject))
   subject = "Umbraco Health Check Status";

  var isBodyHtml = message.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() == false && message!.Contains("<") && message.Contains("</");
  return new EmailMessage(to, RecipientEmail, subject, message, isBodyHtml);

If a custom configuration is required for a custom notification method, the following extract can be merged in the appsettings.json file, which will enable the email notification method to be configured:

 "Umbraco": {
    "CMS": {
      "HealthChecks": {
        "Notification": {
          "Enabled": true,
          "NotificationMethods": {
            "email": {
              "Enabled": true,
              "Settings": {
                "RecipientEmail" : "alerts@mywebsite.tld"

If you want to get the notifications by email, Simple Mail Tranfer Protocol (SMTP) settings should also be configured in the same JSON file.

Last updated

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