Fixed Application Url

Check to make sure a fixed application URL is specified. This URL is for example used when sending emails from backoffice. If this is not specified in configuration, Umbraco gets the application URL from last host used to request the application

How to fix this health check

This health check can be fixed by providing configuration on the following path: Umbraco:CMS:WebRouting:UmbracoApplicationUrl.

This configuration can be setup in a configuration source of your choice. This guide shows how to set it up in one of the JSON file sources.

Updating the JSON configuration

The following JSON needs to be merged into one of your JSON sources. By default the following JSON sources are used: appSettings.json and appSettings.<environment>.json, e.g. appSettings.Development.json or appSettings.Production.json.

    "Umbraco": {
        "CMS": {
            "WebRouting": {
                "UmbracoApplicationUrl": "string"

One example that can be used in production

    "Umbraco": {
        "CMS": {
            "WebRouting": {
                "UmbracoApplicationUrl": ""

If the site is hosted on Umbraco Cloud, changing the above configuration will have no effect. The site will always use the URL set in the`umbraco-cloud.json` file, which can not be changed.

Last updated