Block Custom View

Bring your own representation for Blocks.

The Block Custom View extension type lets you define a Web Component for representing blocks.

Build a Custom View

  1. Make a Document Type with a Property using a Block Editor of choice.

  2. Configure at least one Block Type on the Block Editor.

  3. Ensure the Element Type of the Blocks Content Model has a property using headline as the Property Alias.

  4. Take note of the Element Type Alias as you will use that in the next step.

  5. Add the following code to the umbraco-package.json file:

  "$schema": "../../umbraco-package-schema.json",
  "name": "My.CustomViewPackage",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "extensions": [
      "type": "blockEditorCustomView",
      "alias": "my.blockEditorCustomView.Example",
      "name": "My Example Custom View",
      "element": "/App_Plugins/welcome-dashboard/dist/example-block-custom-view.js",
      "forContentTypeAlias": "{Insert Element Type Alias here}"

The code of your Web Component could look like this:

import { html, customElement, LitElement, property, css } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/external/lit';
import { UmbElementMixin } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/element-api';
import type { UmbBlockDataType } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/block';
import type { UmbBlockEditorCustomViewElement } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/block-custom-view';

export class ExampleBlockCustomView extends UmbElementMixin(LitElement) implements UmbBlockEditorCustomViewElement {
	@property({ attribute: false })
	content?: UmbBlockDataType;

	render() {
		return html`
			<h5>My Custom View</h5>
			<p>Headline: ${this.content?.headline}</p>

	static styles = [
			:host {
				display: block;
				height: 100%;
				box-sizing: border-box;
				background-color: darkgreen;
				color: white;
				border-radius: 9px;
				padding: 12px;
export default ExampleBlockCustomView;

declare global {
	interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
		'example-block-custom-view': ExampleBlockCustomView;

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