Rich Text Editor Plugins

Information on how to work with TinyMCE plugins in the rich text editor.


The Rich Text Editor (RTE) in Umbraco is based on the open source editor TinyMCE. TinyMCE is a highly customizable editor, and it is possible to extend the functionality of the editor by adding plugins.

TinyMCE comes with a lot of plugins out of the box, but it is also possible to create your own plugins. This article will show you how to add a custom plugin to the rich text editor.

Open-Source Plugins

TinyMCE has a lot of open-source plugins available. You can find a list of these plugins on the TinyMCE website.

Premium Plugins

TinyMCE also has a number of premium plugins available. These plugins are only available for paid TinyMCE subscriptions. They can be added to the rich text editor by adding a bit of configuration.

Adding a Plugin

To enable plugins in the rich text editor, you need to add an extension type called tinyMcePlugin in a manifest file. The manifest file is a JSON file that describes the plugin and how it should be loaded. You can add a plugin such as the open source Word Count Plugin to the rich text editor. You can also define your own custom plugin to extend the functionality of the editor. This way you can add custom buttons, dialogs, or other features to the editor.

The manifest file should be placed in a folder in App_Plugins/{YourPackageName}, with the name umbraco-package.json. Learn how to use the package manifests.

    "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "extensions": [
            "type": "tinyMcePlugin",
            "alias": "mytinymceplugin",
            "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
            "meta": {
                "config": {
                    "plugins": ["wordcount"],
                    "statusbar": true

The example above shows how to add the open-source Word Count Plugin to the rich text editor. The plugin is added to the Plugins array in the configuration. The plugin itself will be shown in the statusbar of the rich text editor, so the statusbar option is also added to the config object.

Creating a Custom Plugin

If you want to create your own plugin, you should in general follow the TinyMCE documentation. However, there are a few things you need to be aware of to load the plugin in Umbraco. See the example below.


Load a custom plugin that gives you the ability to interact with the global tinymce editor object.

Here we are loading a custom plugin called myrteplugin and adding a button to the editor called myrtebutton. When the button is clicked, it will insert the text Hello World! into the editor.

1.Add a manifest file

First we create an umbraco-package.json file which will contain the manifest for the plugin. This adds a button to the toolbar in the rich text editor, which editors can enable on the Data Type. We are also letting the rich text editor know it should load the plugin from the plugin.js file.

    "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "extensions": [
            "type": "tinyMcePlugin",
            "alias": "myrteplugin",
            "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
            "js": "/App_Plugins/MyRtePlugin/plugin.js",
            "meta": {
                "toolbar": [
                        "alias": "myrtebutton",
                        "label": "My RTE Button",
                        "icon": "code-sample"

2.Add the plugin.js file

The plugin.js file should contain the JavaScript code for the plugin. The file is loaded as a JavaScript module and must export a default class that extends the UmbTinyMcePluginBase class.

The UmbTinyMcePluginBase class is a class provided by Umbraco that you can use to create your own plugins. The class is a wrapper around the TinyMCE plugin API. We can use the args object on the constructor to access the TinyMCE editor instance and other useful properties.

import { UmbTinyMcePluginBase } from '@umbraco-cms/backoffice/tiny-mce';

export default class UmbTinyMceMediaPickerPlugin extends UmbTinyMcePluginBase {
     @param args {import('@umbraco-cms/backoffice/tiny-mce').TinyMcePluginArguments}
    constructor(args: TinyMcePluginArguments) {

        // Add your plugin code here
        args.editor.ui.registry.addButton('myrtebutton', {
            text: 'My RTE Button',
            icon: 'code-sample',
            onAction: () => {
                args.editor.insertContent('Hello World!');

The button must be added to the toolbar in the rich text editor configuration.

You can go to any Document Type that uses the rich text editor and click the button to insert the text Hello World! after.

You have full access to the tinymce editor object, so you can create any custom functionality you need.

Learn more

Adding a premium plugin

To add a premium plugin, you need to add the plugin name to the plugins array in the config object of a tinyMcePlugin extension. You also need to add a JavaScript module that can load up the cloud-hosted TinyMCE premium plugins bundle.

Premium plugins require a subscription at TinyMCE Cloud. You can go there and sign up for a free trial. You will get a Cloud API key that you can use to try out the premium plugins.

1.Declaring the plugin

Let us first add the powerpaste plugin to the rich text editor. This plugin is a premium plugin that helps you paste content from Word documents and other sources. We will configure the plugin to allow local images and clean the HTML when pasting Word documents.

    "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "extensions": [
            "type": "tinyMcePlugin",
            "alias": "mytinymceplugin",
            "name": "My TinyMCE Plugin",
            "js": "/App_Plugins/MyRtePlugin/plugin.js",
            "meta": {
                "config": {
                    "plugins": ["powerpaste"],
                    "powerpaste_allow_local_images": "true",
                    "powerpaste_word_import": "clean"

2.Creating the plugin.js file

The plugin.js file should contain the JavaScript code to load the cloud-hosted TinyMCE premium plugins bundle. You must replace {Cloud API Key} with your own Cloud API key.

import '{Cloud API Key}/tinymce/6/plugins.min.js';

We have now enabled the powerpaste plugin. We have configured it to allow pasting in local images. It will prompt when pasting Word documents, but for HTML documents it will clean the HTML without prompting.

You can enable as many plugins as you want through the plugins array in the config object. You can even combine premium, open-source, and your own plugins as you see fit.

See all the available premium plugins on the TinyMCE website.

Last updated