
Represents a Language. Installed languages can be found in the settings section.

Represents a Language. Installed languages can be found in the settings section.

  • Namespace: Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models

  • Assembly: Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require references to the following dll:

  • Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require the following using statement:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models;


new Language(GlobalSettings globalSettings, string isoCode)

Constructor for creating a new Language object where the necessary parameter are the global settings as GlobalSettings and the isoCode as a string.

To create a new Language the global setting parameter is necessary. You can find more info about how to use configuration in code in the Config article.



Gets the CultureInfo object for the language.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
CultureInfo cultureInfo = language.CultureInfo;
return cultureInfo;


Gets or sets the culture name of the language.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
string cultureName = language.CultureName;
return cultureName;


Gets or sets the identifier of a fallback language. The fallback language can be used in multi-lingual scenarios, to help define fallback strategies when a value does not exist for a requested language.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
int? fallbackLanguageId = language.FallbackLanguageId;
return fallbackLanguageId;


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language is the default language.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
bool isDefault = language.IsDefault;
return isDefault;


Gets or sets a value indicating whether the language is mandatory. When a language is mandatory, a multi-lingual document cannot be published without that language being published, and unpublishing that language unpublishes the entire document.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
bool isMandatory = language.IsMandatory;
return isMandatory;


Gets or sets the ISO code of the language.

var language = new Language(globalSettings, "en-US");
return language.IsoCode;

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