
Represents a Template file.

Represents a Template file.

  • Namespace: Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models

  • Assembly: Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require references to the following dll:

  • Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require the following using statements:

using Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models;


new Template(IShortStringHelper shortStringHelper, string name, string alias)

Constructor for creating a new Template object. The necessary parameters include a short String Helper as an IShortStringHelper. The name and alias of the Template must be provided as string values.



Gets the Alias of the File, which is the name without the extension.

var template = new Template(shortStringHelper, "Page", "page");
return template.Alias;


Returns true if the template is used as a layout for other templates (that is, it has 'children')

var template = new Template(shortStringHelper,"Page", "page");
return template.IsMasterTemplate;


Returns the alias of the master template if one is set.

var template = new Template(shortStringHelper, "Page", "page");
return template.MasterTemplateAlias;


Returns the id of the master template if one is set.

var template = new Template(shortStringHelper, "Page", "page");
return template.MasterTemplateId;


Gets the Name of the File including extension.

var template = new Template(shortStringHelper, "Page", "page");
return template.Name;


.SetMasterTemplate(ITemplate masterTemplate)

Sets the master template of the template.

// Create a new template
var template = new Template(shortStringHelper, "Page", "page");
// Get a master template 
var masterTemplate = fileService.GetTemplate(1234);
// Set the master template to new created template
// Save the new template

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