Moving a Page

Move pages within the website through the tree view. Not all pages can be moved depending on your set-up or page permissions. If you need clarification, contact your system administrator.

You can move a page in two ways:

Option 1

  1. Go to Content.

  2. Click ... next to the page you wish to move.

  3. Select Move to.

    Move Menu 1
  4. A window appears on the right side of the screen. Here, you can choose where you want to move the page in the tree structure.

    Move Option 1
  5. Click Move.

  6. A confirmation message appears. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message.

Option 2

  1. Go to Content.

  2. Select the page you wish to move.

  3. Click Actions in the top-right corner of the screen.

  4. Select Move to from the Actions drop-down menu.

    Actions Menu
  5. A window appears on the right side of the screen. Here, you can choose where you want to move the page in the tree structure.

  6. Click Move.

  7. A confirmation message appears. Click OK to dismiss the confirmation message.

Last updated