Sorting Pages

The pages in Umbraco are placed in the tree structure according to a predefined sort order. The most recently created page is placed at the bottom of the tree structure. You can change the order of the pages by using the Sort function.

You can sort pages in two ways:

Option 1

  1. Go to Content.

  2. Navigate to the parent node whose child nodes you wish to sort.

  3. Right-click the parent node and select Sort. Alternatively, click ••• next to the parent node and select Sort.

    Sort Menu 1
  4. A window appears next to the section tree. Here, you can arrange the child nodes in the order you want by dragging them up or down. Alternatively, you can click the column headers to sort the entire collection of items in ascending or descending order.

    Sort Option 1
  5. Click Save and then Close.

Option 2

  1. Go to Content.

  2. Select the parent node whose child nodes you wish to sort.

  3. Select Actions in the top-right corner of the screen.

  4. Select Sort from the Actions drop-down menu.

    Actions Menu
  5. A window appears next to the section tree. Here, you can arrange the child nodes in the order you want by dragging them up or down. Alternatively, you can click the column headers to sort the entire collection of items in ascending or descending order.

    Sort Option 1
  6. Click Save and then Close.

Last updated