
The UserService acts as a "gateway" to Umbraco data for operations which are related to Users.

  • Namespace: Umbraco.Core.Services

  • Assembly: Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples listed in this document will require references to the following dll:

  • Umbraco.Core.dll

All samples in this document will require the following using statements:

using Umbraco.Core;
using Umbraco.Core.Models;
using Umbraco.Core.Services;

Getting the service

Services property

  • UmbracoAuthorizedApiController has been removed from Umbraco 14. Use ManagementApiControllerBase class instead.

  • UmbracoApiController is obsolete in Umbraco 14 and will be removed in Umbraco 15.

If you wish to use the UserService in a class that inherits from one of the Umbraco base classes (eg. SurfaceController, UmbracoApiController or UmbracoAuthorizedApiController), you can access the service through a local Services property:

IUserService userService = Services.UserService;

Dependency Injection

In other cases, you may be able to use Dependency Injection. For instance if you have registered your own class in Umbraco's dependency injection, you can specify the IUserService interface in your constructor:

public class MyClass

    private IUserService _userService;
    public MyClass(IUserService userService)
        _userService = userService;


Static accessor

If neither a Services property or Dependency Injection is available, you can also reference the static Current class directly:

IUserService userService = Umbraco.Core.Composing.Current.Services.UserService;


  • Create a new user Quick sample showing how to create a new backoffice user; including setting a password, assigning the user to a user group, and setting the name of the user.

Last updated